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Ironsi was Nigeria’s first military Head of State. He was killed in...
The Brigadier’s Daughter is a deeply personal and powerful memoir by...
With this book, Akande has stirred the hornets' nest and revelations...
A revolutionary officer in the Nigerian army, Colonel Victor Banjo and...
My Watch is more than the story of the Obasanjo presidency told by the...
Nigeria:The Birth of Africa’s Greatest Country chronicles the social...
It is said that the secrets of great men are in their stories. These...
Dele Giwa: The Unanswered Questions is a much-waited-for account from...
Religion Politics Power in Northern Nigeria is an analytic narrative of...
Casebook on Administrative Law is a compilation of cases and...
Military Leadership in Nigeria 1966-1979 examines the concept of...
The magical Booker Prize-winning novel that journeys between the land of...
This volume of autobiographical essays, now in paperback, is one of...
The book provides an in-depth analysis of the art of governance; shows the underlying theories, principles, institutions, mechanisms and processes that are involved in the management of the affairs of a state.
As well as being a remarkable statesman and one of the world's longest-detained political prisoners, Nelson Mandela has become an exemplary figure of non-racialism and democracy, a moral giant. Once a man with an unknown face, he became after his 1994 release one of the most internationally recognizable images of our time.
Learn about how the world of government and power works in The Politics Book.
The first edition of THE POLITICS OF WOLE SOYINKA was published specifically as a preliminary study to commemorate the 60th birthday of the Nobel Laureate. It has now been updated to mark his 80th birthday.
The book edited by two of the leading lights in the Nigerian political science Community, is a collection of contributions and reflections of some Nigerian academics teaching in Nigerian tertiary institutions on critical aspects of government, politics and administration of the Nigerian State, spanning a period since October 1, 1960 when the former...
The book covers a wide range of topics discussing the Yoruba people of West Africa, exploring various themes on their cultural backgrounds, history, and institutions.
Bearing both the professional and general readers in mind, Decolonizing Nigeria: Politics, Power, and Personalities is an innovative approach at crafting a popular history of a great moment in Nigeria’s history.
Some commentators describe General Muhammadu Buhari's victory in the March 2015 Presidential Election as a happenstance, because he had given up in himself to the extent that he was described by one of his associates as permanently "unelectable" at the same time.
In the Radiance of the Sage weaves an intriguing story of the ordeals and victories of a courageous, self-sacrificing, enterprising and cultivated woman who was the backbone of her husband’s exceptional accomplishments as a political leader, administrator and thinker.
Religion Politics Power in Northern Nigeria is an analytic narrative of a subject that is at one’s breath volatile but alluring, and at another, demanding but rewarding. it is a fantastic exposition of how the northern oligarchy acquired and has held on to power, using religion as its main weapon.
What really happened during Yar'Adua's last illness?
This collection of essays reflects different perspectives from which leading Nigerian scholars have interrogated key aspects of Nigeria’s national politics and external relations in the last few decades.